Saturday, June 27, 2009

Irritating technology

I have a Verizon Wireless Air card. Great right? Wrong.

Well actually, it was great until about 6 months ago when it decided to become schizophrenic. It seems the thing only works when it wants to now, much to my irritation. Anytime I move my laptop in any way, (this includes the movement created by typing) it loses the connection. Sometimes the thing powers itself off.

Should I be surprised? Not so much. I mean, what should one expect from a company whose own employees admit that the equipment is designed to last a year and then malfunction. SO that the consumer is then forced to sign a new 2 year contract or shell out a ridiculous amount of money for new equipment. And insurance is a joke. I spend $6 a month and then have to spend another $50 if I want a refurbished air card to replace my poorly crafted technology?

I have 6 months remaining on this contract with Verizon and then I'm out. I mean, if I can get the same thing from Cricket for $35 a month, with no contract and can buy new equipment as needed why would I even want to keep Verizon around?

The irritating thing is how much I am inconvienced. I can't attach photos to email without being disconnected. In fact, I have not been successful this year in doing so. And when I need to upload a resume? I need about a good 45 minutes just to get that done. And I'm always getting disconnected from Facebook. Most of the time, I just end up signing on from my cell. Becuase even with the iPhone's limited Facebook app, it's still less frustrating.

I must admit, I am curious about the new Dell with the built in Verison reciever. My only apprehension is the terrible experience I've already encountered with Verizon, as mentioned above

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